

Question by  jfresh313 (18)

What is the Ferber method of sleep training?


Answer by  JennyBucks (63)

Using the Ferber method, night one, the child wakes up and is comforted by a parent who reassuringly puts the child back in bed. Each time the child wakes up, the same is done. Each night thereafter, the parent is slower to come to the waking child's aid. Over time, the child learns to go back to sleep alone.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

In the ferber method of sleep training you never rock a baby to sleep, or give a baby a bottle or the breast to the point that they are asleep. The idea is to lay the baby down while awake and allow them to get themselves to sleep.


Answer by  Anonymous

Ferber method: leave more and more time before going to comfort baby till they dont need you in order to fall asleep. comfort than leave the room

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