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Question by  RyanJames (41)

What is the cost of adding a room?


Answer by  JD (129)

The cost of adding a room to your home could range from between $30,000 to over $100,000. The finish materials (flooring, paint, trim), type of room, size of the room and geographic location will be the biggest factors in the cost.


Answer by  HawaiianGirl (6906)

Adding a room really adds up, you should look at spending at least $10,000 maybe a little less and highly possibly a lot more. The materials will cost a lot as well as labor.


Answer by  ijlalnoor (2656)

It is anywhere between $35000 to $100,000. It all depends on the size and type of room.


Answer by  bash (1026)

It depends upon the nature of soil and quality of materials used. If soil is loose foundation depth will be increased and cost will go up. One cannot tell


Answer by  billyb (562)

you need to figure in the cost of sheet rock,wall studs,insulation and many of the materials that will be needed to construct the room. you need to also figure in the cost of electrical material and the cost of an electrician. it depends upon what type of square footage that you are building.

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