health conditions


Question by  warriorangel18 (106)

What is the cause of frequent cold sores?


Answer by  DrMom (854)

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Like genital herpes they are with you for life. They are often triggered by stress or a compromised immune response. Some people go years between outbreaks and then suddenly will have a stressful period in their life and be plagued by them over and over again. To avoid them, avoid stress.


Answer by  fawnjamrn (87)

Many times stress it the cause of frequent cold sores. Also, a decrease in the immune system can increase the frequency of cold sores. Get plenty of rest, eat well, exercise and minimize stress to keep your immune system strong.


Answer by  katestar (169)

Frequent cold sores can be caused by the Herpes virus, usually herpes simplex A. These can be treated with valtrex, which reduces the time the virus is active.

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