health conditions


Question by  ram00910 (29)

What is the cause of fibroids?


Answer by  alicekay (54)

They are stimulated by the female hormone, estrogen or they can be caused by genetics, being overweight or obese and failure to have given birth.


Answer by  Bobinski (1652)

Starts as a single muscle cell in the uterus then changes into a fibroid tumor which grows and multiplies. Doctors don't really know the cause but research points to several factors: hormones, heredity might be a factor and other chemicals that help the body maintain tissues, such as insulin.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

In uterine fibroids, the fibroid starts as a single muscle cell. For unknown reasons this cell will start to grow. Heredity may be a factor.


Answer by  PriscillaPresley (284)

The cause of fibroids is not really known. A fibroid starts out as a single muscle cell in the uterus. For unknown reasons, this cell changes into a fbroid tumor and starts growing and multiplying.


Answer by  wjgsert (403)

Fibroids begin as single muscle cells in the uterus, researchers aren't sure why these cells develop into fibroids. Heredity and high estrogen levels may be factors in these changes.

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