

Question by  KremarMonBaniago (21)

What is the best way to remove black soot from my walls?


Answer by  Alli (71)

Start by removing loose soot using a clean, damp washrag. Seondly, use a white magic eraser and rub lightly over the soot marks. Pieces of the eraser will flake off, but know that this is a normal part of the cleaning process. Finally, use a clean, damp washrag again to wipe off any eraser flakes.


Answer by  hash007 (27)

Removing black soot is not so difficult now.You can use natural cleaner ,sodium bicarbonate and lemon juice for the purpose of cleaning your walls.Place sodium bicarbonate and a little lemon jiuce onto a damp cloth,gently scrub for 3 to 4 minutes and wash the walls.It will make your walls sparkling clean.


Answer by  shawdowsmom (138)

Wash with water as hot as you can stand to touch, Use 1 part bleach 1 part murphys oil soap 2 parts water. Use a bucket of plain hot water to rinse the wall before and after you wash. Use a mop with a towel base to make the job easier.


Answer by  wehadthought (391)

Use a wire-bristled brush dipped in a solution of warm water and biological washing powder to remove black soot from walls. Rub the stained areas vigorously, moving the brush in small circles. A combination of lemon juice, vinegar and rock salt can also work well if applied in the same way.

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