home improvement


Question by  peperann (40)

What is the best way to organize a refrigerator?


Answer by  jsflw2010 (459)

You want to put your meats on the bottom racks, chicken and beef lowest. Next shelf, pork and seafood. The top shelf should be reserved for dairy products and juices. The door should most likely be kept for dressings, drinks and condiments.


Answer by  janedoe (701)

Install the shelves so that the one on top allows for tall items like drink containers, etc. Keep the condiments and small jars/bottles in the door, organized by theme (i.e ketchup and mustard together). Keep produce in drawers with the veggie drawer set to higher humidity. The biggest key is to always leave some open space for new items!


Answer by  Robs4thecubs (422)

The best way to organize a refrigerator is by the food group. Drinks and condiments on one level, meats and cheeses in a container, and vegetables and fruits.


Answer by  ElleBeeDee (88)

By Food Groups. Put the fruits in one drawer, vegetables in another. Meat and cheese in 3rd if possile. Rest by size - tall in back (non-perishables in back)


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

The best way to organize is to have a separate compartment each for fruits and for vegetables. Also have a separate section for breads.


Answer by  everythingsfree (12)

When you organize your refrigerator, it is best to put large items in the back and smaller items in the front so you can easily see everything.


Answer by  Someone83 (166)

First, throw away all expired foods. After that, organize the items by height and put the meats and produce in their respective drawers. Hope that helps.

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