

Question by  billym (53)

What is the best way to learn snowboarding?

I am 25 years old.


Answer by  syllabus69 (114)

The best way to learn snowboarding is to go to a ski or snowboarding mountain resort and get beginner lessons at their learning centers. They have all the necessary equipment for rental and packages for multiple days. They have many instructors that are very good at teaching beginners of all ages to snowboard


Answer by  James83 (13)

Well, it is never too late to learn. My advice would have to be to ask your friends who snowboard to take you with them, and then pay for introductory lessons, or you could ask your friend to teach you. Snowboarding requires you to have a good sense of balance, and if you're off at all, you'll be eating snow.


Answer by  XjoshhyX (132)

The best way to learn how to snowboard is by going to your local slopes and taking lessons from the slop instructor.


Answer by  ckechula (173)

In order to learn how to snowboard, you have to have balance. You can also go to the lodge and have an instructor teach you or you can learn by yourself. Get a snowboard and put your feet in and slowly push yourself along the side of something until you have enough balance to go urthur.

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