

Question by  chrismasters14 (12)

What is the best trumpet for a beginner?


Answer by  Lucius (196)

The most important thing in choosing a trumpet for a beginner is that you should buy the best you can afford. Do not go for a cheap trumpet because it will only end up with sticky valves and put the student off. Yamaha has a good student trumpet . Try the YTR1335.


Answer by  Glueman (106)

If you happen to have a ton of money to spend on your very first trumpet I would reccomend a accent trumpet.


Answer by  Shoshanah (232)

Getzen student trumpet is good to start off with. For the beginner not only is finding a good trumpet essential but also finding a mouthpiece that works with the student. Once you have your trumpet try different mouthpieces until you find the one that suits you.


Answer by  looce (23)

Personally, I think Getzen is a good beginner trumpet, as the price is reasonable and the design is nice as well.

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