My uncle is in a local band and recently got into playing the trumpet and he purchased the ''Bach TR300H '' and the ''Selmer-Bach, Serial 447101'', and they are AMAZING! Also my cousin used the ''Yamaha 2335'' in his band class.
For trumpets you want to stay with brands like Bach, Yamaha, Getzen and King. Beyond these brands you get what I start to consider as instrument shaped objects. These brands have stood the test of time and are highly recommended by educators and professionals alike. The best professional line trumpet would probably be the Bach Strad.
Some of the better horns based on pure playing ability are Selmer-Bach, Conn, Getzen, and Yamaha. Naturally a horn's condition is almost as important as model.
Selmer-Bach,Conn 1000B, Getzen 700, Yamaha 2335, Bach TR300, Yamaha 2320 are the few best models of trumpet,Also the Getzen has two models of 700. The one with one tuning brace instead of two does not play as well.