


Question by  enexel (43)

What is the best treatment for back acne?


Answer by  BrianB89 (160)

Try changing your diet to a more natural and healthy one. Cleanse your skin daily with a gentle cleanser containing salicylic acid to help unclog pours and dissolve dirt and bacteria. Apply some benzoyl peroxide cream or some tea tree oil to the affected area to prevent future breakouts.


Answer by  Phyllis843 (141)

Back acne is like any other acne. Wash daily with a gentle, non-soap cleanser. Apply any cream that has benzoyl peroxide, and also use a non-comedogenic moisturizer. Skin that's too dry will promote acne; that's why you use no soap and include a moisturizer.


Answer by  Holly10 (46)

Gently cleanse the back with a mild facial soap (like Cetaphyl) twice daily. Follow up with a mild benzoyl peroxide to treat the acne and a facial moisturizer to treat any dryness or irritation. Use a baking soda and water paste to gently exfoliate any dead skin cells several times per week.


Answer by  diva25 (4016)

The best way to do that is to make sure you back is clean. You also might want to put a hot towel on your back to keep open pores.

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