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Question by  MM (26)

What is the 6-2 defense, in terms of football?

Please describe this strategy, and tell me if it's popular in football.


Answer by  Meredith92 (158)

This is a 6 defensive lineman/ 2 linebacker defense used to stop the run. This defense is not very popular today for the simple fact that most teams have shifted their schemes to more of a spread offense which would put the 6-2 defense in a bind versus the pass.


Answer by  cheygavara1 (33)

A six -two defense has six men on the line of scrimmage(2 ends 2 outside tackles and 2 nose tackles) Just behind them are four more players but the two outside men are called corner backs. The two in the six two defense are the two middle linebackers that are directly behind the six lineman.

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