health conditions


Question by  MMarie (90)

What is nephrotic syndrome?

Does it have something to do with your kidneys?


Answer by  TJenkins602 (656)

Nephrotic syndrome results from damage to the kidney's glomuri. This component of the kidneys is responsible for filtering waste. Some of the symptoms are low protein in blood.


Answer by  jdearth684 (65)

Nephrotic Syndrome is when there is large amounts of protein in your urine and low levels of protein in your blood. It also cause swelling around the eyes or in your hands and feet. Nephrotic syndrome is caused by damage to the kidneys tiny blood vessels that filter waste.


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

Nephrotic Syndrome is a form of kidney damage in which the kidneys leak large amounts of protein into the urine. Nephrotic Syndrome causes low blood protein levels and high cholesterol.


Answer by  mdrwaltz (51)

Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disorder which the kidneys become damaged. It is manifested with presence of protein and lipids in the urine when diagnosed.


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

Yes. Nephrotic syndrome is where the kidneys are damage and leak high amounts of protein from blood into urine. The most common symptom associated with Nephrotic syndrome is excess fluid in the body. Puffiness around the eyes in the morning is often seen too. A few causes of this illness include: history in family, Hepatitis B, HIV, drugs.


Answer by  diamond90 (309)

Nephrotic syndrome is known as edma, this syndrome happens when there are large amounts of protein within the urine.When this happens ther urine usally increase your blood cholesterol,if left untreated the syndrome can cause damage to your kidneys.


Answer by  les59 (852)

Nephrotic Syndrome is when the kidneys have been damaged and are not retaining protein like they should. The protein leaks from the kidneys.

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