


Question by  avocadoing (62)

What is involved in refilling the a hot water baseboard?


Answer by  notanexpert (199)

Remember to fill the baseboard for at least 15 minutes to start off. Locate and mark off the bleeder valves at the beginning itself. Then bleed these valves one by one with a small screwdriver. Only after making sure there are no leaks/air pockets should you turn the power on.

Reply by ross1976 (196):
The 15 minute fill time is just a rough guideline, I guess. I prefer to listen and fill - initially you hear the water filling the baseboard and then you stop hearing it when it is full. The pressure at this time usually reads about 12 psi.  add a comment

Answer by  sleepyjey (248)

First of all why did you empty it your baseboard? Was it to fix a leak or change valves? Double check for leaky joints or valves before you start refilling your hotwater baseboard as otherwise it can get frustrating re-emptying and re-filling multiple times.


Answer by  tweety (266)

Very simple - turn the water valve on and let it fill up. Let the air out using the bleeder valves on each level and your hot water baseboard is all set to work again. Enjoy a hot bath!!

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