home improvement


Question by  carecal (17)

What is involved in enclosing my front porch?


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

First you need a permit from the city with drawings of what you are to do. If you have a roof over the porch and it will be pretty simple. Build a short wall to house screens and windows. Install windows and a door to the porch.


Answer by  johnjohn (55)

this mostly depends on what materials you are going to use. you can build walls with studs use plywood to sheet outside and then some sort of finish product (stuco, brick, siding) insulate inside then drywall, mud and tape and paint


Answer by  digital1007 (113)

Enclosing a deck is not hard. All you have to do is extend the roof from your house. Once that's done its a simple matter of putting up a frame around the sides and deciding if you want it closed in with wood or screening. There is many good places you can get more information.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

First drawings and approval from the city. Next a permit from the city to have it done. Then look for a contractor. There will probably need to have a floor, like wood or a concrete slab. Then you should be ready to go.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Basically you need to make rails out of your wood and then screw on these rails in the front to enclose your porch. Do this for all sides of the porch.

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