
 legal  name


Question by  Rastadata (38)

What is involved in changing your legal name?


Answer by  toastedcheese (216)

If you live in the United States, laws differ depending on your state. You will probably have to fill out a form, submit it to your local courts, and pay a fee. Some states also require you to publish notification of your name change in a number of local newspapers.


Answer by  sairamesh100yahoocoin (223)

if you have not any identity proof prepare a new affidavit to change your name, its a legal process method.this is easiest method to change your name. affidavit is accept to any kind of legal activities, so affidavit is the best method to change your name to legal method


Answer by  Blossom9283 (358)

When changing your name due to getting married alot of things need to be done. The bank needs to see he marriage certificate and new signature cards signed. For your social security card you would need to go to the local office and for your license the DMV needs a form filled out and handed in at the office.


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

To change your name sign up to the deed poll service online this will stop the need for going to a solicitor.Once registered they will send the documents to you and in the presence of a witness you will need to sign and return the documents. You can then proceed updating your driving licence and ay other documents.

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