

Question by  rattfan80 (106)

What is blepharitis?


Answer by  camarotim (315)

Blepharitis also known as inflamed eyelids is a common inflammatory condition that includes burning, itching or irritation of the eyelids.


Answer by  NGoodson (3395)

Blepharitis is when your eyelid follicles become inflamed. It's usually do to some sort of bacterial infection in the hair follicle on your eye lashes and isn't that painful, but it's irritating.


Answer by  linsm (898)

Blepharitis is an infection of the skin around the skin, primarily at the eyelash area. There are complications from Blepharitis by the way of causing other uncomfortable eye problems, with a stye being one of them. In the meantime, do not wear your contacts until the condition is treated.


Answer by  AWilson (34)

Blepharitis is the medical term for inflammation of the eyelids. It is very common, and is caused by either a bacteria, dandruff from your scalp, skin conditions, or allergic reactions. It causes red irritated eyelids that can sometimes be itchy, and white flakes on the eyelashes.


Answer by  KarenH (212)

It is a chronic inflammation of the eyelid. As in many kinds of skin inflammation blepharitis is associated with redness of the skin near the eyes, itching, flaking, cysts and red eyes. Moreover you may suffer from gritty feeling in the eye and vision problems.


Answer by  akhiljn4 (6)

Blepharitis is an ocular disease characterised by chronic inflamation of the eye lid margins. It may cause to the eyes become red.

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