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Question by  brainstorm (20)

What is an instant flow water heater?


Answer by  Atomicrayon (2504)

An instant flow water heater is a type and brand of heater that doesn't take "time" to heat up so to speak. It's supposed to be able to constantly generate heat to the water in your sinks, bathtubs and other water applications. It heats the water up as soon as it leaves the valve.


Answer by  scaremall (202)

An instant flow or on demand water heater provides hot water without the use of a storage tank. They consist of a high efficiency heater unit that only operates as water is flowing thru it. No tank means no wasted energy to keep the water hot. They also take up a lot less space since there is no storage.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

They are similar to a normal tank setup in the fact that the warm water. However instant flow heater produce instant and usually continuous hot water whereas normal tank model run out of hot water once the tank has been drained and must heat the water all over again.

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