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Question by  brian (24)

What is an appropriate microwave over-the-stove height?


Answer by  Atomicrayon (2504)

42 inches is the commonly accepted height for hanging a microwave over the stove. This is the standard for electrical and gas fire prevention as having two sources of intense heat can be dangerous when placed in such a close proximity of one another. This also prevents burning, when grabbing items from the microwave.

posted by Anonymous
you would have to be a giant to get into it...  add a comment

Answer by  Darkephoenix (1789)

An appropriate over the stove height for a microwave is approximately twelve to sixteen inches. Any larger than that and it tends to get in the way. Any smaller and the only thing it's good for is heating a cup of coffee. It also depends on the wattage you want out of it as well.


Answer by  saurabhp (158)

An appropriate over the stove height for a microwave would be about shoulder level. This allows for the person to reach the microwave and take any food (WHICH IS HOT! ) without spilling causing the risk of burning oneself.


Answer by  trudie1962 (1022)

I have an over-the-stove microwave with a built-in vent fan on the bottom. I measured my tallest pot, then went to a home improvement store to measure the cabinet that goes above this kind of microwave. I left plenty of clearance between the top of my pot and the bottom of the microwave/fan - at least 10 inches.


Answer by  chandito (29)

I think that an appropriate over-the-stove height for a microwave is about 2 feet (24"). That is where my over-the-stove microwave is approximately. You don't want it so high, that when you have to take out hot items, you won't spill them on yourself.


Answer by  DRS (621)

I think that the appropriate height to mount a microwave over a stove depends on both the microwave and the stove. Consult with the owners manual of both appliances before doing any construction.

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