

Question by  btw8211 (16)

What is a good exercise for the back?


Answer by  lonelywolf (2117)

If you want to develop strength, the best exercises are the deadlift and the pull-up (though make sure you find a good coach to make sure that you perform these exercises correctly). If you are more interested in endurance, back extensions and the lying superman exercise are excellent.


Answer by  worker1047 (28)

The knee-to-chest stretch relieving pressure in lower back and buttocks. Lying flat on your back with hands behind your knees,pull knees up to chest till there is a stretch in lower back and buttucks, hold for 10 seconds, lengthening to 30. 2 or 3 times daily. Swimming is also good.


Answer by  Brett (7986)

There are many good back exercises, some of which include rowing machine, lat pulldown, chinups, row bar and dumbbell fly press.


Answer by  Dinagirl (182)


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