

Question by  Alan87 (2)

What is a flying velvet ant?

I have these in my backyard


Answer by  Cokie500 (72)

Velvet ants are actually wasps, and they are covered in dense hair which looks like velvet. The females are wingless and look like ants (hence their name), whereas the males have wings and can fly. As adults they feed on nectar. As larvae they feed on the larvae of other species of bees and wasps.


Answer by  beefgizzard (37)

Velvet ants are actually wasps. The velvet ants you see flying are males as the females do not have wings. The flying wasps are no threat and will not cause harm since the male cannot sting. If you see one without wings it is a female and can sting multiple times causing pain.


Answer by  wcmcduffie (115)

They're those big red ants that are actually wasps that look like giant ants. The females are flightless while the males have wings.


Answer by  martine (860)

The flying velvet ant is actually a type of wasp that closely resembles and ant. They tend to be hairy and this hair is often brightly colored. The bright colored hair warn other predators, they deliver a very painful sting so i would suggest taking care of them and not getting in the way.

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