

Question by  Shane (36)

What is a fielder's balk?


Answer by  Anonymous

When a defensive player, other than the catcher, does not have both feet in fair terroitory when the ball is pitched. It is not a fielder's balk, just a balk caused by a fielder.

Reply by richardsiegel (1):
A fielder's balk is a myth. The penalty for a fielder in not on fair ground is "no pitch" the ball is dead. The balk penalty is only for Rule 4.03a when a catcher is out of his box during an intentional walk.  add a comment

Answer by  gary23 (130)

Talking baseball here. The pitcher is the only one who can commit a balk. This rule stop the pitchers from deceiving the base runners in an attempt to pick them off base with an illegal move When the pitcher start the wind-up he can't suddenly stop and throw the ball to any base to surprise a runner.


Answer by  JRago (38)

In baseball, a fielder's balk is when one of the fielders is not in standing fair territory when a pitch is delivered. According to the official rules, all the fielders, except the catcher, must be within fair territoy when a pitch is delivered or a fielder's balk occurs.


Answer by  Sam73 (24)

A balk occurs when a pitcher attempts to unfairly deceive a baserunner. For example, a pitcher who, with a runner on first, steps toward the plate to deliver the ball but then throws to first, would have committed a balk. As a penalty when a balk occurs, each baserunner advances one base forward.


Answer by  Richard88 (391)

At the time of a pitch, all defensive players must be on the field in fair territory. At least one foot must be in fair territory. If a fielder has both feet in foul territory, and a pitch is made, then the fielder has committed a fielder's balk. The rules defining fair territory may depend on the league.

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