


Question by  cotton1714 (23)

What happens when someone dies without a will?


Answer by  joantheresa (1421)

This is a difficult question to answer in a few words. Every state has their own "intestate laws. " Usually the remaining family members receive the estate divided by a schedule set up by the state; i. e. certain percentages to family members according to relationship. If there is a remaining spouse, that spouse usually receives the greater percentage.


Answer by  MelvinVanhorn (826)

Their estate goes in order-spouse, children, parents, siblings. If none of those are options, children of siblings. The can vary specifically by state, and the process takes longer.


Answer by  jem (20)

The family usually fights over how the assets of the deceased will be divided. Usually a single family member takes control and functions as the will.


Answer by  Nancy (578)

When this happens, the estate goes to probate court where and administrator takes over and whatever heirs can be found, after all costs and debts are paid, then the remainder is divided equally among heirs. This happens instead of specific things the deceased may have wanted to be dispersed amoung surviving relatives.

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