

Question by  keng (30)

What good is a washer agitator?


Answer by  Rinda (121)

Washer agitators circulate wash water through your clothes, so that the detergent and water reach all parts evenly. They also provide the scrubbing motion that helps remove dirt from soiled areas. An agitaor's "swishing" can be hard on clothing, though, especially delicates, so washers often have a cycle with a slower agitator motion.


Answer by  kennethjgoodson (4903)

The washer agitator is great because it turns the washer back and forth. If it was not in there your clothes would just sit in warm water then they would drain then they would sit in cold water and drain again and they would never spin because that is part of the agitators job also.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

The agitator in a washer is what moves the clothes through the water and soap so the dirt and odors come out it also helps with the spin cycle on the washer.

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