

Question by  mom (244)

What should I do about my washer that won't drain or spin?

I hate it when the washing machine stops working.


Answer by  shawdowsmom (138)

Check the lid switch to make sure it is in proper working order. If this switch malfunctions the machine will assume the lid is raised and it will not move onto the next cycle after the wash cycle.


Answer by  mangosteen (272)

Since you have multiple problems with different systems in the machine, its probably logic board or timer/sequencer that runs the machine, which would need to be replaced. You'll probably have to call a repairman for this type of washing machine problem.


Answer by  Lordschild (1398)

One common problem is that the timer quits working properly. The drain pump may also have quit working. If the machine is very old it may pay to replace it.


Answer by  momwants2help (58)

What I would do is research online to see if I can find the part it needs. Also I would post an ad on craigslist gigs ask for help.


Answer by  Srfingfreak (697)

You might be overloading your machine. Don't stuff the clothes in, just place them gently. If you block the drain, it can't spin or drain.


Answer by  Bren (76)

The first thing you should do is check to make sure the hose that connects from the pump to the drain is not stopped up.


Answer by  hrpoorna (155)

If your washer won,t drain or spin switch off the machine first take all the wet clothes inside. Try to reach the engine unscrewing the bolts to see any wires has got damaged or coils got burnt. If you can't make it call an electrician get a good repair.

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