


Question by  suv (23)

What does sugar do to the gas tank?


Answer by  Lordschild (1398)

Sugar does not dissolve in the gas but as with any gritty substance it will clog the fuel filter. Any sugar that may make it pass the fuel filter will block the fuel pump. If any sugar makes it pass the fuel pump it will clog the fuel delivery system. The tank would have to be drained and cleaned out.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

It will clog the tank and no gas will be able to go to the engine, It could kill the engine possibly. You would need to ask a professional though. They would be able to tell you the truth about what it could do to the car. But it could cause a lot of problems.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Not a whole lot. Basically it just from a sugary sludge in the bottom of the tank. The worst it does typically is clog the filter and block fuel flow. Which could possible overheat the fuel pump and cause a fire. If there is a lot of gas in the tank it may just dissolve and eventually burned.


Answer by  shashank (98)

There were rumours that pouring sugar siezes engines and halts vehicle. But actually heating sugar at 200degree celcius break's it into hydrogen ie. used as fuel and carbon dioxide releases into atmosphere.

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