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Question by  danette (16)

What does iodine stain?


Answer by  fordd22 (5)

Iodine stains the walls of cells in other words it stains carbohydrates. The cell walls are partially made of carbohydrates. Therefore that is why it stains the walls.

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Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Iodine will stain pretty much any type of light color material. The only thins it may not stain are thing treated to resits stains like some metals and tiles.


Answer by  rbiales (3441)

Iodine bonds primarily to carbohydrates it comes into contact with, and as practically anything is likely to have some remnants of starch or sugar on it, the practical answer to this question is "everything". Removing the iodine stain involves removing that carbohdrate from the object so iodine staina are troublesome.


Answer by  Darkephoenix (1789)

Pretty much everything with a porous surface. Skin, clothing, counter tops, most everything is susceptible to iodine stains. Hope that helps a little.


Answer by  Himanshupant (49)

idoine stain is one of the harmful stain. it quicky goes in to the polymors of the cloths and does not get remove easily.


Answer by  bajestar (605)

Iodine stains everything. It will stain your skin and clothes it can all so stain porous surfaces. Be careful wear gloves and old clothes when handling.


Answer by  SADAF (119)

its the cell wall and iodine stains carbohydrates that is sugar.cell wall are full of carbohydrates that are sticking out of it.nucleus is also stained may be but not sure

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