

Question by  shiju (8)

What does Francese mean in cooking?


Answer by  sns34 (144)

Francese means French. There could be a number of reasons that you are seeing this word in cooking. The recipe is of French/Italian origin, it is from a French cookbook, it is of French style. Sometime, it makes the recipe seems classy to add a foreigh word to it! You might not be interested in Chicken, but Chicken Francese, yum!


Answer by  sukosh (47)

It means that the dish is made in the french style. The item is dipped in seasoned flour , beaten egg and bread crumbs. Then fried to golden brown.


Answer by  suma442007yahoocoin (7)

The recipe does, however, have antecedents in recipes that I have found in Italian ... Francese of course means "in the French manner," but it refers to a food that is ... you have to keep half the recipe warm while cooking the rest.

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