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Question by  Allysunshine (12)

What does "ants in your pants" mean?

Where does it come from?


Answer by  wordy22 (36)

When you say someone has ants in his pants you mean that he is "hyper", can't sit still, is unable to relax. It may also involve someone having to be "on the move" all the time or perhaps urgently awaiting some sort of news.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

The origin is unknown. It has been a term that has been around for quite some time. The term "ants in your pants" basically means that you are very hyper and energetic but cannot sit still. Generally you hear people telling this to small children who are constantly running around and screaming.


Answer by  GilFinn (2065)

It means someone who can't quit squirming or sit still. It comes from people who've had the unfortunate experience of having ants crawl up one's pants.


Answer by  CarolynOsborne (2804)

"Ants in your pants" means that you are agitated and energetic, unwilling to sit down and relax. This is how you would feel if you truly had a group of small bugs crawling around in your underwear--you would feel itchy and uncomfortable and perhaps worried about getting bitten by the bugs.

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