

Question by  Jennifer55 (2)

What do I look for when I buy honey?


Answer by  hypersonic (108)

Always make sure that the honey doesn't contain any crystals. This is a sign that it has gone off and is no longer any good. It is best to buy it in smaller quantities to make sure you use it while it is fresh.


Answer by  dannyg28 (3070)

When I purchase honey I look for the all natural honey and if I can find it I look for the honey that has the honeycomb in it. These are the best kinds of honey to look for.


Answer by  elynne (1153)

Usually you want a honey that you can see through. When it gets cloudy that usually means something is not quite right with it. Also because honeys come from many different plants, you will want to try them before buy large bulk amounts. The plants make them taste different


Answer by  Trueakitalover (1728)

I like to look for the honey comb to be left in the jar. It means it is fresh. I also look for it to be from around my area.

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