

Question by  makeupgirl513 (25)

What could cause delayed teething?


Answer by  Tigerbelle (252)

The usual age that teeth begin to come in for infants is around 5 and 7 months. However, this can vary greatly and some begin teething as early as one month or as late as one year. If it is passed a year, it could be a nutritional issue.


Answer by  Ahsan (7)

Delayed teething could have an hereditary cause, a calcium deficiency or a tooth or bone disorder. The teeth could also be misaligned from other teeth that have already come in, causing the delayed ones to come in slower. If your child hasn't had them by 9 months, see a dentist


Answer by  Emr (698)

Parenting is a joy, but one of the downsides is the incessant comparisons people make with their babies. Teething and tooth eruption doesn't follow a rigid schedule. The time for the teeth to erupt is all over the place, and could even be a year before the first one.


Answer by  JuliaJolie (415)

Delayed teething could have an hereditary cause, a calcium deficiency or a tooth or bone disorder. The teeth could also be misaligned from other teeth that have already come in, causing the delayed ones to come in slower. If your child hasn't had them by 9 months, see a dentist.


Answer by  tinytiger (20)

It is possible that your child has a very rare disease called oralplaverious dysplasia where teeth do not develop at all.

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