

Question by  Greg (18)

What could cause late teething?


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

It can be hereditary or the tooth is in the gum and the alignment of the teeth is wrong. When second incisors come through they push the baby teeth out when misalignment happens the tooth does not come through so the baby tooth falls and a gap appears.


Answer by  roxiey (191)

it is very possible that you child could have a very rare disease called oralplaverious dysplasia. and some time the teeth do not grow in at all just depends.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Children get their teeth in over the first year of their life. Some children, about 3%, are actually born with teeth. Most children start getting teeth at 6 months of age, but later is not uncommon. If your child does not have teeth come in before 9 months of age, visit a dentist.


Answer by  benjiross (993)

Late teething could be just a normal variant. However calcium deficiency can cause both delayed teething and some bone changes. Hypothyroidism can also cause teeth to erupt late. Some diseases like skin and bone diseases affect teething.

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