health conditions


Question by  shil (171)

What could be causing weakness in the shoulders?


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

This can be the result of arthritis in the shoulder joint. One could also be experiencing a rotator cuff injury.


Answer by  souldolphindream (835)

It could be that your body is missing certain minerals that your body needs. It can also be caused by a tight bra strap if you are a woman.


Answer by  Sett (1838)

Weak shoulders can be caused by a number of things such as a joint injury, or an inflamed ratator cuff which is when a tendon gets inflamed or thickened. Weak shoulders can also be due to something as small as using the wrong pillow which can cause tremendous back and shoulder pain. A doctor can do tests to find out.


Answer by  Nastic87 (96)

You may probably lifted something havy or made an inappropriate movement. Try massage therapy it may help you fell better. But In very bed condition please see your family doctor.

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