health conditions


Question by  Wynlowe (22)

What could be causing swelling and hot spots on the lower legs?


Answer by  mcdbeals (201)

Certainly, poor circulation could cause swelling. Also, water retention and/or diabetes would cause those problems. Inadequate stretching before and after exercise could make muscles burn. Excess salt could lead to swelling as could a sprained ankle. Standing for an extended period of time and wearing shoes with poor support would also contribute to this problem.


Answer by  Pericles (28)

These signs can be caused primarly by 2 entities: Celullitis and DVT (deep venous thrombosis). Celullitis is an infection of the subcutaneus tissue, caused generally by bacterias, which causes swelling, pain and red hot spots. DVT is a disease where clogged blood remain in the legs causing swelling and pain


Answer by  PriscillaPresley (284)

It could possibly be poor blood circulation, or even some kind of allergic reaction to something. You should go see your Doctor for tests and consultation.


Answer by  starmlw (960)

It sounds like it could be either an allergic reaction to something or a condition called Cellulitis. Cellulitis is an infection of the skin cells inwhich the skin swells and may look red like a heat rash. Cellulitis can be very serious if left untreated. See a doctor.


Answer by  ms42120 (35)

Thrombophlebitis which is inflammation of a vein due to a blood clot (thrombus). Very serious due to the fact that the blood clot can break off and travel in the blood stream. Seek medical attention.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

A number of things could be going on. Allergies could be at fault. Edema and hot weather could be part of the problem. For peace of mind see your doctor.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

You could have a thing called gout and if you do you need to get to the doctor and get some medicine for it right away so that it doesn't continue to get worse if it is gout it will get so painful you won't be able to walk around on your legs.

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