

Question by  Guveneur (18)

What could be causing my tv picture to be grainy on an hdtv?


Answer by  noey1958 (1405)

Often times when this happens, It is the result of a contact cable being connected wrong. Check all connections are secure, and take off cables and reattach them. Make sure cables are in the right place. Refer to your TV's user guide for assistance.


Answer by  ottoe (36)

You may not have the correct HD cable. Even if you have an HDTV, you wan't get HD quality if you don't have an HD cable. Go to any electronics store and buy an HD cable and your problem should be solved.


Answer by  NutBucket (140)

You could be looking at a standard definition signal such as a DVD player or cable station. If your watching cable or satellite, it could be that your TV signal is being over-compressed. You may also just be sitting to close to the T.V.


Answer by  ZIelyn (33)

There are a number of things that could be causing a grainy picture. A faulty cable between sources. Low resolution or standard definition cable will not be true HDTV, and thus grainy because the TV is trying to create a big image from a small one.


Answer by  redran3 (17)

the tv may be worn out or it could be due to bad tubage inside the tv. the best thign todo is callthe maufactualer and explainthe situation call the company


Answer by  GeorgeJung (33)

The chanel itself is not an hd chanel. Upgrade your service and enjoy the better picture. This should not be very hard to do, at all. =] Thank you that is all.

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