

Question by  mikey (29)

What could be causing lower leg tendon pain on the right side?


Answer by  awdamm (77)

Leg pain is a very hard kind of pain to diagnose. Some say restless leg syndrome. Others say just muscle pull. Over working one group of muscles such as the legs is a common mistake for people just starting a workout program. If pain continues after rest, ice and ibprophen you should consult your physician.


Answer by  roger (199)

May be it is problem with the spine compression or sqeezing of the spinal nerves in the sacrum. Try not to overdue with the right side of the body. Try to relieve the sacral portion of the body with spinal exercises. Usually this thing happens with workers or sportmen who perform more with one of their arm


Answer by  Majyk (115)

My husband gets leg cramps in his legs. It is usually caused by not enough water and or potassium. It is actually quite common and the best thing to do is increase water, take some potassium. If it occurs while you are laying down we usually try to get him on his feet to relieve the cramps.


Answer by  KIndiraNarasimham (142)

While every lower-leg injury has its specific biomechanical causes, all are rooted in tight calf muscles and relative weakness in the front leg muscles. What's going on is that your tight calves are pulling up on your heel, which in turn pulls the front of your foot down. This puts strain on the muscles in your leg.

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