

Question by  nikola (14)

What could be causing a rash in my dog's ear?


Answer by  fazt (147)

Your dog's rash could very well be caused by ear mites. To be sure, take a magnifying glass to the dog's ear. If you see little black spots, that is a sure sign of ear mites. If so, go to the vet's office and they can give you simple medication to treat your dog.


Answer by  Srfingfreak (697)

Mites, sunburn, excessive earwax are all culprits. Alternatively, and allergy could be present. Look for excessive black collections, or wetness.


Answer by  PrncsPrple (237)

I've worked with dogs for ten years now, you absolutely need to have it diagnosed by a vet, it could be so many things.


Answer by  lalaland (238)

Your dog may have developed a yeast infection. Take your dog to the vet right away, as that's the only way to be sure.

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