

Question by  Paladin (19)

What condition would cause my cat to have scabs all over, be very thirsty, and be losing weight?


Answer by  Meowzer (392)

The scabs may be caused by an allergic reaction. The first thing that comes to mind with excessive thirst and weight loss is diabetes. A blood panel should be run as soon as possible by a veterinarian.


Answer by  thelostone (1457)

The most common cause of this problem with be a flea infestation. If your cat is exhibiting these signs it problably has an allegy to fleas. Treat the cats for fleas and make sure you treat your house as well. IF you treat just the cat the fleas can still be in your house and be geting on the cat.


Answer by  Elina (123)

Such symptoms usually suggest your cat has diabetes. You should definitely go to the vet. Treatment is usually based on sound nutrition and blood sugar control. Usually this disease requires insulin injections.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

A condition that says you shouldn't be writing to me, you should be at the vet. This sounds like sarcoptic or demodectic mange, or a number of conditions that are very painful, infectious and life threatening. If this was you, wouldn't you have seen a doctor by now?


Answer by  Jenno (57)

Your cat could have diabetes or a thyroid condition. Either problem could cause skin dryness and thirst, as well as weight loss, because the body is not producing or dealing with its own chemicals well.


Answer by  eilrol (1431)

Sad to say but that can be kidney failure. My cat suffered from the same symptoms and I did not understand why my cat was always sleeping, thirsty and losing weight because he was not eating. Usually you will see these symptoms in cats with kidney failure and usually the cats are older like 10 years plus. See a vet!!


Answer by  Kelmaz (339)

There are many conditions that could cause these symptoms and it could be either an internal or external infection, in order to determine the cause a vet would need to be consulted, if you could keep a diary of the events of the cats illness this would be of help to your vet and may help in determining a cause.


Answer by  MizA (42)

It sounds like your cat might have severe allergic reaction of somekind; possibly to fleas or food. I would make a vet appointment as soon as possible.

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