health conditions


Question by  cutegirl622 (1)

What causes your foot to go numb when you sit cross legged?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

You are pressing on the nerves or arteries that carry impulses or nutrition to your extremities. Your body is telling you to "stop! " you are making it unworkable.


Answer by  Ane (54)

While sitting cross legged a nerve called peroneus is pressed. Therefore people feel numbness. If the pressure is longer it may damage the nerve and cause paralysis which may be transitory or constant. Once you feel the numbness, switch the legs or sit not crossed legged.


Answer by  vindhya (56)

Leg or foot numbness can cause when your leg is crossed due to blood shortage in that region. This numbness is not serious and can be easily solved by walking.


Answer by  kimber18 (514)

You are cutting off, or restricting the blood flow to your foot, which causes the limb to feel numb or tingly. Be careful standing on a foot that is numb feeling, you may end up causing an injury without being immediately aware. You may want to find another way to sit.

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