

Question by  Tomjk3920 (35)

What are some exercises you can do with a broken foot?

I don't want my leg to lose its strength and just sit on the couch and do nothing while it's broken. I want things that wont be too strenuous on my leg.


Answer by  lonelywolf (2117)

A lot depends on where your foot is broken, but if you have access to machines, the leg extension and leg curl are your best bets.


Answer by  rlb3 (86)

If you can lie on your back, you can do single leg raises. You only need to raise each leg about six inches off the floor. Alternate raising each leg up to 16 times and hold for a count of three, then rest for 3 minutes and repeat. Stretch towards your toes at the beginning and end.


Answer by  John (9008)

First of all, you absolutely must discuss any leg exercise with your doctor before doing it, to avoid worsening your injury. Generally speaking, however, the best exercises for your legs that don't use your feet will involve weight training. Leg extensions and curls are good, and don't involve your feet or being able to stand.


Answer by  Sazikular (50)

Put down a pad like a yoga pad and lay down on your back. Raise your knees towards your chest and begin making bicycle like motions. Be careful not to bump your broken foot.


Answer by  Anonymous

handstand pushups

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