

Question by  Sara55 (34)

What causes white worms in dogs?

What are they?


Answer by  scorbitt (252)

If they are small white worms they may be round worms, if it is one long white worm it may be a tape worm, any way you look at it you need to take your dog to the vet for diagnosis and medicine, they are caused by different things based on they type of worm and some are contagious.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

They are caused by the animal getting a parasite. But you can go to the store and buy some dog wormer and get rid of them.


Answer by  shastie (1601)

White worms in dogs poop are parasites. Dogs will eat about anything and pick these up easily. You need to get a dewormer as soon as you notice it. They will make your dog sick and can even kill the dog. They can also be transmitted from dogs to humans.

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