

Question by  One (83)

What causes lip blisters?

Could they be serious?


Answer by  Erynn (1651)

Cold sores, generally speaking. No, they're not at all serious. It's caused by a virus in the Herpes family that will take up residence in the sinuses and tends to migrate down to cause a blister on your lip. It is HIGHLY contagious and relatively painful. You should not share cups or eating utensils while suffering. There are effective treatments.


Answer by  Amanda65 (1220)

A lip blister could be many different things including herpes simplex 1, cold sores, burns from hot foot, sunburn, etc. Most likely they are not serious and will go away in a few days. If they continue for weeks or seem to reoccur frequently, then see your doctor.


Answer by  holdengal (693)

A lip blister is usually a cold sore or type of herpes. They can be caused from too much stress. Sun exposure causes them too. It's a virus and will go away on its own. They can get serious if you pop them and they become infected. If they don't pop, they aren't serious.


Answer by  Milette4 (900)

Lip blisters are usually caused by a herpes virus. This is different from the type that's sexually transmitted. May be serious. Overexposure to the sun also result in lip blisters.


Answer by  dns711 (17)

It actually depends on what kind of blisters.Some people get blisters because they drool in their sleep.You can get blisters on your lips due to the herpes symplex.If it is cold outside your lips get chapped and could actually cause your lips to blister.

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