- Short Answers


Question by  HMichelle (13)

What causes inflammation inside my nose?


Answer by  slkunz2003yahoocom (836)

An ingrown hair or pimple can cause your nose to be sore and inflamed. Plucking nose hairs can cause an infection at the site, and should be avoided. Inflammation is a sign of infection, and should be treated with a triple antibiotic ointment, with a visit to your doctor if it lasts more than a few days without improvement.


Answer by  madhanprasana (109)

The nose gets swollen due to inflamed blood vessels. Due to nasal congestion,hearing and speech development and sleepiness also get affected and causes snoring.


Answer by  Duncan (1124)

Nasal inflammation can be caused by a number of factors. For those who have allergies, allergens often cause inflammation. Dryness or seasonal colds can also cause inflammation.


Answer by  ammnivarghese (262)

Due to prolong cold and not taken care properly, the inflamation can take place. sometimes for a patient, doing swimming, The possibility of water going into the nose, often and not taken care properly, the inflamation can take place. Sometimes by nature itself, addional growth can take place and an inflamation's possibility is there.

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