health conditions


Question by  Vanessa (387)

What causes carotenemia?


Answer by  healthguru (47)

Carotenemia is a yellowish dicoloration of the skin caused by intake of large amounts of vegetables that contain carotene, a yellow pigment found in carrots, pumpkins and other vegetables.


Answer by  fislamamt (189)

Carotene is rich in vitamin A . This occurs in yellow vegetable foods like carrots and other yellow colored vegetables. The rich source of carotene is the carrot. Some childen like carrots very much. The excessive intake of carotenes sometimes colors the skin of children yellow at some places. However this coloration is harmless and benign.


Answer by  cafish (2035)

This is caused by an excess of beta-carotene in the blood and is common when infants begin to eat solid food. Too many yellow or orange vegetables will cause the skin to discolor. This shouldn't affect the eyes. The infant should see a pediatrician to be sure of the cause.

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