

Question by  yogesh45 (2)

What causes back pain and nausea?

I'm not pregnant.


Answer by  peanuts (43)

There can be several minor medical problems that cause back pain and nausea. A few of these are gastroenteritis, cramping and urinary tract infections. If the pain and nausea continue over an extended period of time, it can also mean something of a more serious nature,and a doctor should be seen.


Answer by  primatefreak (1616)

Back pain can be caused by stress, injury or even muscle fatigue. Women often have back pain due to the type of shoes worn, e.g. high heels. Human body reacts to pain with nausea, vomiting, increased blood pressure and elevated blood sugars in diabetics. Pain usually accompanied by another symptom.


Answer by  ketha (31)

A number of things could cause the back pain and nausea. An injury to your back or stomach. a kidney infection. Bladder infection. The flu or a viral infection. back strain can cause pain and pain cause the nausea.


Answer by  Angie83 (180)

Back pain and nausea can be symptoms of kidney stones. The back pain can be quite sharp and can be localized to one side or the other depending on which side the stones are on. Kidney stones can also make you nauseated. When the stones move is when the back pain is the most severe.

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