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Question by  Chris10 (21)

What can you wear with leather skirts?

I know they are popular for fall, but I'm not sure how to wear them.


Answer by  bradensmom (204)

Leather skirts should be paired with a top in a material that is not leather. Leather is a heavy material and looks better with a top made of a material that also has some weight to it. Sweaters or cardigans look great with leather skirts, as does a white cotton shirt and a big belt at the waist.


Answer by  belle7 (6)

For a more conservative look, pair a black leather skirt with a tucked in white button-down shirt. For a night out, pair it with a sequined tank top!


Answer by  tagme87 (96)

Since leather is a bold fabric, you'll want to pair it with something less bold--think a gauzy blouse, cashmere sweater, or something made of another soft fabric.


Answer by  Dreamlight (856)

If you're going for traditional, then mid sleeve or long sleeve shirts are good. Green, yellow, and orange are good colors for fall because of the natural element to them. Personally I've always thought denim vests look good with leather skirts, but that's just me. Leather skirts also look good with boots or dressy patton leather shoes.

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