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Question by  Joe (17)

What can you tell me to help me with the installation of a bay window in my mobile home?


Answer by  Champ (552)

You're going to need a sealant. A good tool for cutting glass, and a new window that matches the spec of the old one.


Answer by  loveulouis (176)

The first thing to do is measure out and mark window to be between two stud,If you window is not center between then you will have to frme it out with 2x4.always check for wiring(use a stud finder)make sure you have a level fit. then use a weather selant.done


Answer by  billyb (562)

mobile homes have a very thin wall structure. you have to be carefull not to rip the whole wall down when removing something. care should be taken when removing old unit. try to replace the old unit with the same size unit. you can also modify and upgrade to a more modern look.

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