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Question by  rasna (16)

What can you tell me about the book, The Mack Witin by Tariq Nasheed?

I am thinking of getting this book as a gift but would like to learn more about it.


Answer by  Ken56 (1160)

This book is about dating and relationships and the whole psychology behind the art and phenomenon of dating. It also deals with the "politics" of sex. Nasheed is considered an expert in the field, and he is as much a TV, radio and media star as he is an author. The book has been called "a classic" of its kind.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

"The Inner Mack" and "The Art of Mackin" are Tariq Nasheed's books about dating and finding women. Mr. Nasheed has been quoted on different issues about race relations, infidelity, intimate relationships, and politics. He has spoken to many college students about relationships and sex.


Answer by  patti (29325)

The 2005 title is a self-help book that offers dating and relationship advice for African-American men. The premise is that all men are "macks" and advice is offered on how to access "the mack within" in order to make the most of "macking" activities.


Answer by  brianf (10)

This is a great book for playerz written by playerz. Whether your into women or money, or both! This book with illustrate to you how to mack.


Answer by  Jackie50 (360)

This is a book for men about dating- or, more specifically, for playing. It is not about respecting women, it's about scoring.

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