

Question by  vinu (68)

What can you tell me about getting over cheating?


Answer by  Brittney (1095)

It takes time to get over someone cheating on you. You go through a period where you feel betrayed, and then you have a period where you feel like you weren't good enough. Just realize that it wasn't your fault. Keep dating and you will find the right guy.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

The best thing you can do is to get rid of the person that has cheated on you. People claim that they can get over someone cheating on them but you can't, trust me. It never goes away. Every time you see that person you will think of what they have done to you.


Answer by  annewright (318)

You need to decide if you want to continue the relationship, and if you're willing and able to forgive. You may need to consider professional counseling.

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