

Question by  bigreddog (83)

What can you do for sores on the ends of dogs' ears?


Answer by  Sherry65 (81)

Dogs ears, get dirt and grime on them. The outside of the ears can get sores for various reasons. Clean the sore carefully with mild soap and water. There are many brands of ointment made for dogs. Apply to the sores and if not better in a few days, then take the dog to the vet.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

You should get a medicated cream or ointment and apply it to the dog's ears following the instructions on the label. If you have other dogs don't let them lick the sores because that can make them worse.


Answer by  jules (61)

You can treat dogs' ears quite like you treat humans. Neosporin works well on external sores. Go to the vet for internal problems.

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