

Question by  landock (15)

What can you do for a puppy with dermatitis?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

You have to find out WHY, and only a vet can do this. It could be food allergies, mites or parasites, bedding, or any number of things.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

You need to talk to your vet to see how serious it is and go from there. Follow the recommendations your vet gives you.


Answer by  diamond (77)

There's a condition called vitiligo, similar to eczema which is a auto-immune disorder. steroid cream are typically used on humans that have such condition, might be able to help animals such as a dog. They are prescription drugs if you're using anything over 0. 1 mg. Over the counter would be cortisone cream which contains steriod.

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